Training Your Puppy to be a Diabetic Alert Dog

Training Your Puppy to be a Diabetic Alert Dog. My training manual is in
workbook format with links to online resources, training videos, recommended
products,how to use collect and use scent samples, forms to track
scent training,training checklists, and much more. 122 pages.

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

App can assist in training the Diabetic Alert Dog

Do you need to track your diabetic alert dog's responses to blood sugar fluctuations? There's an app for that!

For DADs in training, this information is invaluable when communicated to your DAD trainer for evaluation. An evaluation can help you get past being stuck in your dog's scent training. And now ... there's an app for that! It's available for iPhone, iPad, and Android and looks promising. Notes can be added by the user and records can be emailed to your dog trainer (or your doctor if you don't have a diabetic alert dog). How totally cool is that?

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There are other apps available for glucose monitoring including Glucose Buddy, a free download for iPhone and Android. Do you know of other apps like this? Have you tried any of them? If so, please share your experience.
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If you need your DAD's scent training evaluated, contact me to schedule a phone call. That first get-acquainted call is free. The evaluation and subsequent consultations are $75/hour.


supweisbord said...

It would be great if you could give some examples of how you are using the app.

Dee the dog trainer said...

I have a client using the app for a couple of weeks. When I get the results of this "trial" I will post them.